Never Go Back: 10 Things Youll Never Do Again

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Brandi (Rambles of a SAHM)
When I encounter a book with the proper noun Dr. Henry Cloud on it, I know that I am in for a time of introspection. In his latest book, Never Become Back, Dr. Cloud takes us through ten situations that nosotros accept probably institute ourselves in but don't really desire to do over again.

The very first chapter was very providential in our lives at this betoken. Nosotros are facing a state of affairs that is very similar to 1 we recently went through that didn't have a really wonderful catastrophe. Through the use of personal examples Dr. Cloud w

When I come across a volume with the proper name Dr. Henry Deject on it, I know that I am in for a fourth dimension of introspection. In his latest book, Never Go Back, Dr. Cloud takes u.s. through ten situations that nosotros take probably found ourselves in but don't really want to exercise over again.

The very first affiliate was very providential in our lives at this point. We are facing a situation that is very similar to one we recently went through that didn't accept a actually wonderful ending. Through the use of personal examples Dr. Cloud walks you through your thought procedure and decision making. In this item affiliate he gently reminded you that even if y'all are going back you nonetheless need to be going forward. Through the steps he lined out it was easy to brand a decision in regards to that particular situation.

The book is split into 2 parts. In the beginning part there are ten chapters that lay out situations that we discover ourselves in over and over once more fifty-fifty though we know we should choose differently. What I appreciated about this section of the book was the artlessness and honesty that Dr. Deject puts forth. He readily admits that he has establish himself in these situations, sometimes more once. Yous get to glean nuggets of wisdom from his personal and professional cognition.

The second role of the book was somewhat of an AMEN session for me. I could identify with the situations in the offset office. (Been there, done that, got the scars to testify it!) Only the second one-half was a very applied set up of directives that could be put into exercise to give me guidance to not go back and repeat bad history.

If you lot find yourself stuck in the rut of the aforementioned mess over and over, do yourself a favor and go a re-create of this book. Information technology reads similar a conversation with a trusted and caring friend. I recall you'll come up away from it with some very powerful tools that will permit yous to Never Go Back!

I received a copy of this volume to facilitate my review.

Sandy Nawrot
When Aural marketed all their cocky-assist books at the beginning of the twelvemonth, I jumped on this one. I'd never heard of this psychologist but I certainly tin can ever use some help in living my life right and learning from my mistakes. I would agree that, as the reviews state, this book COULD alter your life. In fact, in the dorsum of my mind, I started thinking that this book, or at least its principles, are the exact type of matter that every young adult needs to know before they go off to college. When Audible marketed all their self-help books at the beginning of the year, I jumped on this one. I'd never heard of this psychologist but I certainly can e'er use some help in living my life correct and learning from my mistakes. I would agree that, every bit the reviews land, this volume COULD change your life. In fact, in the back of my heed, I started thinking that this book, or at to the lowest degree its principles, are the exact type of thing that every young developed needs to know before they go off to college. If just I'd learned these things back when I was 18!

The principles discussed by Henry Deject ARE common sense...never trust something that seems too perfect, ever do due diligence, never turn from short-term pain that brings long-term success, etc. Simply it's amazing how many people don't exercise them. I've taken notes while listening and intend to refer to them oftentimes, for myself AND for my kids.

A discussion of caution...Cloud does relate these 10 principles to scripture and his overall bulletin is spiritual. This makes all kinds of sense and it didn't seem too preachy. Just for those that aren't into that blazon of thing, you lot demand to know what you're getting. I believe that whether yous are a Christian or not, this volume has merit.

I'grand not sure if the book is best consumed via audio. This would meliorate serve as a book that you could marking up, dog-ear and keep on your shelves. Additionally, the narrator, Michael Prichard, is NOT GOOD for this purpose. He's narrated some Tom Clancy novels and I but can't imagine. His delivery is strong, almost to the indicate where it made me uncomfortable.

...more than
This is Nonfiction/Personal Development/Christian Living. I loved this one. There were and then many "Amen" moments. I've highlighted some places that would interest my girl with some of the crossroads she is at in her life. But this was really for all ages...not only young adults starting their life.

I loved his direct no-nonsense approach to life and some of life's situations. I liked too that he called them like he saw them without any carbohydrate coating. So 5 stars.

This is Nonfiction/Personal Development/Christian Living. I loved this one. There were so many "Amen" moments. I've highlighted some places that would involvement my daughter with some of the crossroads she is at in her life. Simply this was really for all ages...not simply young adults starting their life.

I loved his straight no-nonsense arroyo to life and some of life's situations. I liked as well that he called them similar he saw them without any carbohydrate coating. So 5 stars.

Amy Edwards
Highly recommend this for assistance in taking stock of patterns that you need to repent of and plough from. I'm contemptuous about "cocky-help" as a genre, but Dr. Cloud is always worth your time.
Craig SmithII
Best book I've read thus far!!!

I enjoyed the utilize of psychology and how he used scripture to link the 2. Extremely helpful an absolute must read.

All-time book I've read thus far!!!

I enjoyed the use of psychology and how he used scripture to link the two. Extremely helpful an absolute must read.

Rob O'Lynn
Known primarily for the Boundaries serial and How People Grow (his collaborations with John Townsend), ane may wonder what else Deject has to offer. Cloud now finds himself a denizen of an authorial stratosphere that also boasts John Maxwell, Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindoll, Max Lucado, James Dobson and Dallas Willard. How many different means can one author write about the same subject? (One could merits that John Ortberg and Timothy Keller could be on this list, although they vary what they write Known primarily for the Boundaries series and How People Abound (his collaborations with John Townsend), 1 may wonder what else Cloud has to offer. Cloud at present finds himself a citizen of an authorial stratosphere that also boasts John Maxwell, Charles Stanley, Chuck Swindoll, Max Lucado, James Dobson and Dallas Willard. How many different ways tin one author write nearly the aforementioned discipline? (One could claim that John Ortberg and Timothy Keller could exist on this listing, although they vary what they write about although they continue to churn books out at a dizzying speed.) Each of the writer listed above have contributed significantly to our reading lists, and they books sell like hotcakes at a monthly VFW breakfast. Even so each of them, including Cloud, have come to a point where their influence has become polarized—you either like them or y'all don't like them.

This, then, is problematic for an author such as Cloud who typically deals with psychological topics from a spiritual perspective, equally he does in Never Get Back. A seminary-trained psychologist, Cloud has never been afraid of hiding his faith nor has he ever backed down from operating out of a faith-based approach to therapy. He talks about this in the preface every bit he recounts a time of meeting with a television executive who was afraid that Cloud was a cupboard religious fanatic. Cloud reassured the executive (and the reader) that a person of faith tin talk most matters of psychology and civilisation without sounding like a nut job. This is an important realization because of the theme that Cloud seeks to treat in this book.

The book is divided into ii major sections, post-obit a preface and introduction. In the introduction, Deject sets forth his purpose in writing this particular book. When I agreed to review this book, I thought it would be more than forth the lines of Boundaries—a popular-level treatment on overfunctioning, a decision-making nature or the addictive personality. I was thus surprised when Cloud revealed that this book is actually on repentance. I have e'er heard (and, thus, taught) that we repent when we make a witting alter in our lives to walk in a dissimilar management (stop an addiction, go out an abusive relationship, ask forgiveness for gossiping or blasphemous, etc.). Deject argues that office of being a successfully spiritual person is to practice repentance, to realize things almost our lives that are weighing us down or keeping us from achieving our goals and deciding not to continue living that fashion (i.e., stop trying to be someone you're non simply to please another or continue to utilize failed processes to attain tasks). To Deject, this is what it means to "never go back."

This book is certainly written with individual readers in mind, although Cloud argues that it is not to be considered "self-help" because there is no such thing. We must allow God to work the changes in our lives. However this will be a valuable resources for preachers and teachers, counselors and spiritual directors because information technology volition assist us guide those who come up to united states for counsel about their spiritual lives. One of my biggest critiques of sermons is what are we supposed to do with it. Don't just preach on repentance; give direction on how people tin can implement repentance. This book provides practical, spiritual applications for how we can change our lives.

I really enjoyed this book, and I would highly recommend it. If you were to read annihilation past Cloud, I would heartily recommend this and Necessary Endings. I think Never Go Dorsum might actually be better than Boundaries simply because he has twenty more years of experience under his belt.

Rob O'Lynn, ABD
Assistant Professor of Preaching and Ministry building
Kentucky Christian Academy

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the Publisher and was asked to review it. I was non required to write a positive review. The opinions I take expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertisement."

Mary-anne Gillespie
Absolutely LOVED this book. It was a simply read because it focussed right to the bespeak. There wasn't a lot of "fluff" in this book which I actually appreciated. The second part "now what"? was actually helpful, I detect so many books get out y'all hanging to figure the implementation later on, this volume did a great job of tying information technology all together! I've already recommended it to several people! Admittedly LOVED this book. It was a only read considering it focussed right to the point. There wasn't a lot of "fluff" in this book which I actually appreciated. The second role "now what"? was actually helpful, I notice so many books leave you lot hanging to effigy the implementation after, this book did a nifty job of tying it all together! I've already recommended it to several people! ...more
Truly insightful

This book laid out 10 items that volition bring you and your life down and explain what they are and how to keep from doing them. Some of these things may seem elementary but there are things you don't stop to call back well-nigh on a regular basis and I remember nosotros've all fallen victim to. The last affiliate on how to follow through with the special useful. Highly recommend.

Truly insightful

This book laid out ten items that volition bring you and your life down and explain what they are and how to continue from doing them. Some of these things may seem uncomplicated but there are things you don't end to call up about on a regular basis and I call up we've all fallen victim to. The last affiliate on how to follow through with the special useful. Highly recommend.

Dianne Irey mcdonald
A really expert book by my favorite psychologist specially for those of us who make mistakes and did not learn our lessons the first time around an issue.
John Lord
Amazing insight from a Godly perspective. I loved this book and highly recommend information technology to anyone who wants to make some existent change in their life.
Kailey (Luminous Libro)
This book demonstrates ten life lessons that will teach y'all never to go dorsum to your onetime patterns or make the same mistake twice. They include things like...
Don't pretend to be someone you're not.
Don't trust the wrong people.
Don't forget why you're here.
Don't take your optics off the big flick.
Don't try to please everyone.

I enjoyed reading this because it has a lot of commons sense approaches to problems that are universal, and gives real solutions to hard situations. One of the good thing

This book demonstrates ten life lessons that will teach you never to get dorsum to your old patterns or make the same fault twice. They include things like...
Don't pretend to be someone you're not.
Don't trust the wrong people.
Don't forget why you're here.
Don't take your optics off the big moving-picture show.
Don't try to delight anybody.

I enjoyed reading this considering it has a lot of commons sense approaches to issues that are universal, and gives real solutions to difficult situations. One of the good things most this book is that it focuses on the only thing nosotros can control... ourselves. It gives existent hope that our life can modify, considering we can alter ourselves, our habits and patterns, our thinking, and our reactions and choices.

I liked the writing way, and it kept my attention, using both logic and emotions to get important points across. I likewise liked that the author didn't go bogged down in lengthy descriptions of examples of people who did blah blah and had blah apathetic problem and fixed it with blah apathetic solution. In that location ARE examples of real people with existent problems, simply the examples are concise and to the point, so that I didn't get bored reading about random people.

This book would be excellent for anyone who is feeling bad almost by mistakes, or wondering how they ended up in the same state of affairs once more, and wants to change and improve their life.

The best part about this book is the solid Bible-based advice, and the Scriptures and references to godly wisdom that are sprinkled throughout the chapters. No one tin hope to change their life for the meliorate without God'due south involvement in their life, and I loved the way this book keeps the focus on God's power to work in us.

Renee Cheek
This book is an incredibly practical resource when trying to brand a necessary change in life that is producing a lot of mental resistance. I will be referring to this volume once more for sure.
Jeff Bobin
Y'all should read this book!

I don't make that statement to oft but at that place is something there for anybody no matter what your field or place in life. This is the second of Deject's books to make this list of mine since I gave the aforementioned recommendation to Necessary Endings.

He lists 10 things y'all should never do again and so does a swell job of showing you why moving forward it always more valuable than trying to go back to a identify that will never exist the same as information technology was earlier.

Some chapter titles

You should read this book!

I don't brand that statement to ofttimes just at that place is something there for everyone no matter what your field or place in life. This is the second of Cloud'south books to brand this list of mine since I gave the same recommendation to Necessary Endings.

He lists 10 things you should never do again and then does a great chore of showing you why moving forward information technology always more valuable than trying to go dorsum to a place that will never be the same every bit it was before.

Some chapter titles are:
Never again return to what hasn't worked.
Never over again exist something you're not.
Never once again try to modify another person.
Never again believe you lot can please everyone.
Never again choose short-term comfort over long-term do good.
Never again trust someone or something flawless.
Never again take your eyes off the big flick.
Never again neglect to do due diligence.
Never again fail to ask why you are where you are.
Never again forget that your inner life determines your outer success.

The beauty of this book is that it is important to family, business and community life.

You volition non regret reading, reflecting and putting into do the principles in this volume!

Nikole Hahn
"Successful people realize that just because someone is unhappy with them does non require that they give up their purpose, fold their cards, or change. They realize that making some people unhappy is just office of the bargain–and they keep going." Pg. 67

Never Go Back: 10 Things You'll Never Practise Again by Dr. Henry Cloud is an ideal book for the blogger, dreamer, or for people like u.s. who run into life upside downwardly. It'south about staying the course and never looking back or returning to dysfunctional familiari

"Successful people realize that only because someone is unhappy with them does not crave that they give up their purpose, fold their cards, or change. They realize that making some people unhappy is just part of the bargain–and they keep going." Pg. 67

Never Go Back: 10 Things Yous'll Never Practice Over again by Dr. Henry Cloud is an ideal book for the blogger, dreamer, or for people like united states of america who see life upside down. Information technology'south near staying the course and never looking back or returning to dysfunctional familiarity.

As a blogger and a dreamer, it gives sound advice. In regards to the blogger, Never Become Dorsum talks most how you can't change the person's mind, you lot must show them why they should do or be something. For the person similar me who see's life upside down and might exist tempted to stay in dysfunctional familiarity, it takes our paw and leads us gently, merely firmly away from what is familiar and safe to the life nosotros were meant to live.

Like Boundaries, Never Go Back: 10 Things Yous'll Never Do Again is a book that I'll keep in my permanent library for future re-reading. Information technology'due south practical and helpful besides as encouraging every bit I remember about my future. No one should do what they take always done just because it'south safe or familiar. I gave this book five stars.

*book given by publisher to review.

Brandon H.
I think the promo for this book sums it upwards rather well - "In Never Get Back, bestselling author Dr. Henry Deject shares x doorways to success—and once nosotros walk through these new pathways, nosotros never go back again. His proven method—based on grace, non guilt—outlines ten common life patterns that demolition success and lays out clear, physical steps you can take to overcome them. You'll see your relationships flourish, your personal life enhanced, and your faith strengthened. Dr. Cloud's powerful mess I think the promo for this book sums it up rather well - "In Never Go Dorsum, bestselling author Dr. Henry Cloud shares ten doorways to success—and once nosotros walk through these new pathways, we never get back again. His proven method—based on grace, not guilt—outlines x common life patterns that sabotage success and lays out articulate, concrete steps you can take to overcome them. Yous'll come across your relationships flourish, your personal life enhanced, and your faith strengthened. Dr. Deject's powerful message reveals doorways to understanding—one time yous enter them, you volition go from where you lot were to where you want to be."

Too the practical and insightful communication Dr. Cloud provides in this book, it's also a great push back for the idea that Christians should avert psychology and counseling because they're reverse to what the Bible teaches. Here Dr. Cloud shows just how complimentary both psychology and the teachings constitute in scripture can be.

Personally, this volume opened my eyes to see some thinking in my life that needed to be inverse. Very helpful.

Dr. Cloud has successfully managed to pull together a volume that was brimming total of awesome common-sense wisdom, that literally, just about anyone can utilise. This volume was a firm reminder that not simply can one recover from a setback, but also that we must choose to "never" repeat the subversive patterns/behaviors that placed us in dire emotional/concrete/relational/spiritual straits to begin with.

Although this is a book of transformation with a organized religion-based edge, anyone can learn to apply the princ

Dr. Deject has successfully managed to pull together a book that was chock total of awesome common-sense wisdom, that literally, just nearly anyone tin can use. This book was a firm reminder that not only tin one recover from a setback, but also that we must cull to "never" repeat the subversive patterns/behaviors that placed us in dire emotional/concrete/relational/spiritual straits to begin with.

Although this is a book of transformation with a organized religion-based edge, anyone can learn to apply the principles that Dr. Cloud has established for those who want to overcome life'south challenges.

The wisdom/reinforcement that I've gained is something that I wish I'd had nigh 20+ years ago... Regardless, it's never too late to gain clarity.

Giving this one: v stars

***ARC supplied by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***

Dr. Cloud has successfully managed to pull together a book that was chock full of awesome mutual-sense wisdom, that literally, but most anyone can utilise. This book was a business firm reminder that not only can i recover from a setback, but too that we must choose to "never" repeat the destructive patterns/behaviors that placed us in dire emotional/physical/relational/spiritual straits to brainstorm with.

Although this is a book of transformation with a faith-based edge, anyone can learn to apply the princ

Dr. Cloud has successfully managed to pull together a book that was chock total of awesome common-sense wisdom, that literally, just about anyone can employ. This volume was a firm reminder that not only tin 1 recover from a setback, merely besides that we must choose to "never" repeat the destructive patterns/behaviors that placed u.s. in dire emotional/physical/relational/spiritual straits to begin with.

Although this is a volume of transformation with a faith-based border, anyone can learn to apply the principles that Dr. Cloud has established for those who desire to overcome life's challenges.

The wisdom/reinforcement that I've gained is something that I wish I'd had near 20+ years ago... Regardless, it'south never too late to proceeds clarity.

Giving this one: 5 stars

***ARC supplied by Netgalley in commutation for an honest review***

I wish this book had been published when I was in my 20's or xxx's when I struggled near with what Dr. Cloud lists as the "Never-Get-Dorsum Awakenings".

one. Never Once again...Return to What Hasn't Worked

two. Never Again...Exercise Anything That Requires Yous to Be Someone Y'all're Non

3. Never Again...Endeavor to Alter Another Person

4. Never Again...Believe That You Tin can Please Everyone

5. Never Once more..Choose Short Term Comfort over Long Term Benefit

6. Never Again...Trust Someone or Something Flawless

seven. Never Once more...Take

I wish this book had been published when I was in my 20'south or thirty'southward when I struggled most with what Dr. Deject lists as the "Never-Go-Dorsum Awakenings".

1. Never Again...Return to What Hasn't Worked

2. Never Again...Do Anything That Requires You to Be Someone You lot're Non

three. Never Again...Try to Modify Another Person

iv. Never Again...Believe That You Can Please Everyone

5. Never Again..Choose Short Term Comfort over Long Term Benefit

6. Never Once more...Trust Someone or Something Flawless

7. Never Over again...Accept Your Eyes Off the Big Picture

8. Never Over again...Neglect to Exercise Due Diligence

ix. Never Again...Fail to Enquire Why You Are Where Yous Are

10. Never Again...Forget That Your Inner Life Determines Your Outer Success

Joni Hartman
In the book description it says this volume is life-irresolute. I think that is possible; however, one must incorporate the appropriate principles one at a time, or this becomes just another "adept thought" book. Takeaways: we need community to affect permanent change of harmful life habits—and then perchance this book is all-time studied with a friend?
I plant all the suggestions groovy, I loved how the author tied the things he was talking nigh to the truths of the Bible, and I enjoyed his (sometimes) amusing anec
In the book description it says this book is life-changing. I remember that is possible; however, ane must incorporate the appropriate principles one at a time, or this becomes just some other "good idea" book. Takeaways: we demand community to affect permanent change of harmful life habits—so mayhap this book is all-time studied with a friend?
I found all the suggestions great, I loved how the author tied the things he was talking about to the truths of the Bible, and I enjoyed his (sometimes) amusing anecdotes.
If you are feeling stuck in life and truthfully desire to run into what might exist causing information technology, this volume could be helpful—although it is not a self-assist book, it could very well be chosen a self-sensation book, given the correct attitude—to overcome life's obstacles.
Never Get Back is an excellent read. If you are stuck in a rut, and seem to keep making poor choices - this volume is for you! This book helps readers recognize repetitive destructive patterns and also helps guide
them to making changes and better choices.

The author uses examples from his own personal experience to make his points and overall, I enjoyed this book very much.

For those who may exist unfamiliar with Dr. Cloud'due south books, he is a highly respected Christian psychologist. If you lot are stuck in a r

Never Go Back is an first-class read. If you are stuck in a rut, and seem to continue making poor choices - this book is for yous! This book helps readers recognize repetitive destructive patterns and also helps guide
them to making changes and amend choices.

The author uses examples from his ain personal experience to make his points and overall, I enjoyed this book very much.

For those who may be unfamiliar with Dr. Cloud's books, he is a highly respected Christian psychologist. If you lot are stuck in a rut, making bad choices or having problems with relationships, Dr Deject'southward books are
a nifty resources.

...more than
I retrieve Dr. Deject makes a lot of the same points in all of his books. In this i, he reminds us of several things most of us larn the hard way. And nosotros must recognize them every bit mistakes. He calls it "waking up". Then, he reminds usa that there'south no such thing as "self assistance". Nosotros all must become assist exterior ourselves. I similar to read a Henry Cloud book every year or two to remind myself not to become down one of the paths that are so like shooting fish in a barrel to fall into. Another version of the same bones content is the 9 Thi I think Dr. Cloud makes a lot of the same points in all of his books. In this one, he reminds us of several things most of u.s. learn the difficult way. And we must recognize them as mistakes. He calls it "waking up". Then, he reminds us that at that place's no such thing as "self assist". Nosotros all must get help exterior ourselves. I like to read a Henry Cloud book every year or two to remind myself not to go down 1 of the paths that are and so easy to fall into. Another version of the aforementioned bones content is the 9 Things You Must Do To Succeed. Either book is not a difficult read, and yous'll probably see yourself in at least one of the problem areas. I always do. ...more
John Nichols
Dr. Cloud'southward volume is well-written and easy to read. He includes existent world examples of people struggling in the 10 "Never Again" areas. My pen was rarely idle every bit I captured notes I need to retrieve. He makes skilful utilise of Scripture in supporting his points but includes the verses in a non-preachy manner. Dr. Cloud'due south 12 steps to making change a reality resonated with me and I especially appreciated his explanation from Psalm ane that modify is a process. This is an encouraging work with a message of hope Dr. Cloud'due south book is well-written and easy to read. He includes real world examples of people struggling in the 10 "Never Again" areas. My pen was rarely idle as I captured notes I need to remember. He makes good use of Scripture in supporting his points but includes the verses in a non-preachy way. Dr. Cloud's 12 steps to making modify a reality resonated with me and I peculiarly appreciated his explanation from Psalm 1 that change is a process. This is an encouraging work with a bulletin of hope. ...more than
This is a great volume. It is very practical. Cloud helps us identify the behavior that we need to change and then gives practical suggestions and steps. I appreciated the ten things to never do once again. They are really essential to living a skilful life. Cloud is a Christian and much of the strategy for change relies on forcefulness from God.
You tin see my total review at
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Howard books for the purpose of an independent and honest review
This is a peachy book. It is very practical. Cloud helps the states identify the behavior that we need to alter and then gives practical suggestions and steps. I appreciated the ten things to never practice once again. They are really essential to living a good life. Deject is a Christian and much of the strategy for change relies on strength from God.
You can see my full review at
I received a complimentary copy of this volume from Howard books for the purpose of an independent and honest review.
...more than
Gabriel Olmeda
Henry Deject is in psychiatry, but he is also a deeply spiritual man who shows the parallels between Biblical teachings psychiatry. The title is what the book is near never going back to the same mistakes, never going back to things that don't work, moving frontward. It seems like straight frontward ideas but sometimes nosotros demand reminding nigh this. I read this and made some realizations in my personal life well-nigh how I have repeated certain actions that don't work. This volume alongside some of my Chri Henry Cloud is in psychiatry, simply he is likewise a deeply spiritual man who shows the parallels betwixt Biblical teachings psychiatry. The title is what the book is about never going dorsum to the aforementioned mistakes, never going dorsum to things that don't work, moving forward. It seems like directly forrard ideas simply sometimes we need reminding about this. I read this and fabricated some realizations in my personal life about how I have repeated certain actions that don't work. This volume alongside some of my Christian brothers accept been helping me move forward in my life and in my relationship with Christ. ...more
Joel Eynon
Dr. Cloud offers audio, applied, and biblical approaches to dealing with many of the trouble areas that arise in life. Too often we repeat bad behavior and wonder why our lives never change. The ten things to never practice once again are the courage of this book. While there is application woven throughout, the final section of the volume goes fifty-fifty deeper into how to apply the chief concept from each chapter. Dr. Cloud'due south experience and expertise jumps off just about every page. Dr. Cloud offers sound, practical, and biblical approaches to dealing with many of the problem areas that arise in life. Too oftentimes we repeat bad behavior and wonder why our lives never change. The x things to never do again are the backbone of this book. While there is application woven throughout, the final department of the book goes even deeper into how to use the chief concept from each affiliate. Dr. Cloud's experience and expertise jumps off just about every folio. ...more
Joe McFadden
I really enjoy books written by Dr Henry Cloud. This one was another that did not disappoint. I have already recommended it to several people I know. If you are interested in reading a quick summary you can find my thoughts here: I really savor books written past Dr Henry Cloud. This one was another that did not disappoint. I have already recommended it to several people I know. If you lot are interested in reading a quick summary you tin find my thoughts hither: ...more
Jane Coleman
Every bit expected, excellent content ane wants to note and highlight -- a challenge with audio version. I may take to buy the book! A distinguished narrator, but a poor fit for younger audiences. I want to recommend the audiobook to immature adults in my life, merely Cloud's accessibility cancelled past "proper", older reader. As expected, first-class content one wants to note and highlight -- a claiming with sound version. I may have to buy the volume! A distinguished narrator, but a poor fit for younger audiences. I desire to recommend the audiobook to young adults in my life, simply Cloud'south accessibility cancelled by "proper", older reader. ...more
Woah. I demand to read this book every solar day for a month. Maybe 6 months.

The author calls the 10 never get back principles equally the steps of emotional puberty. Very true -- essential reading for those who want to abound up emotionally and mature as an adult.

UPDATE 9/28/eighteen -- I take read this volume 3x this yr. My #3 book of 2018. And then adept. So necessary.

Rick Presley
Fantastic. Never heard of this author earlier. Great blend of science and scripture. I'd recommend this for anybody. Fantastic. Never heard of this author before. Groovy blend of science and scripture. I'd recommend this for anybody. ...more
Stacey Bailey
Dr Henry Deject nails it in this volume. I have heard him speak at my church, Willow Creek, and he is 100% rooted in helping people understand themselves amend. Yous read and relate. Y'all can then practise what he gives you as tools moving forward. Anything he writes is worth reading!
Dr. Cloud has written or co-written twenty-five books, including the two million-seller Boundaries. His most recent books are Boundaries for Leaders and Necessary Endings. He has earned three Gold Medallion awards, and was awarded the distinguished Retailers Choice award for God Volition Brand A Style.

Every bit president of Cloud-Townsend Resources, Dr. Cloud has produced and conducted hundreds of public semina

Dr. Cloud has written or co-written twenty-v books, including the ii million-seller Boundaries. His most contempo books are Boundaries for Leaders and Necessary Endings. He has earned three Gold Medallion awards, and was awarded the distinguished Retailers Pick honor for God Volition Make A Way.

As president of Cloud-Townsend Resources, Dr. Cloud has produced and conducted hundreds of public seminars effectually the country. He speaks on relationships—marriage, parenting, dating, personal growth, and spirituality. His seminars are frequently broadcast alive to over two grand venues at a time.


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